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Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries — Special Call for Proposals on Firms and Climate Change

The Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) Initiative announces a special research grant program specifically related to understanding the relationship between private sector development and the environment. The objective of PEDL is to fund cutting-edge, policy-oriented research that could be published in leading academic journals. Exploratory Research Grant (ERG) are grants of between £10 thousand and £40 thousand. Grants will fund research assistance, data collection and new surveys in LICs. Proposed projects must be relevant to policy in low-income countries in order to be eligible. The deadline for this special call is 31 August 2020. Link

The Private Enterprise Development in Low-Income Countries (PEDL) Initiative announces a special research grant program specifically related to understanding the relationship between private sector development and the environment. The objective of PEDL is to fund cutting-edge, policy-oriented research that could be published in leading academic journals. Exploratory Research Grant (ERG) are grants of between £10 thousand and £40 thousand. Grants will fund research assistance, data collection and new surveys in LICs. Proposed projects must be relevant to policy in low-income countries in order to be eligible. The deadline for this special call is 31 August 2020. Link