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OpenIDEO — BridgeBuilder Competition 2019

OpenIDEO and GHR Foundation jointly invite proposals that address urgent global challenges in radically new ways. The BridgeBuilder Challenge seeks solutions that connect peace, prosperity, and the planet. Submissions should target a specific, pressing, and solvable need across two or more of these themes. The competition is open to non-profit and for-profit organizations as well as individuals. Proposed projects should not be longer than three years. The selected winners share US$1 million. Submissions are due by 17 August 2019. Find out how to participate

OpenIDEO and GHR Foundation jointly invite proposals that address urgent global challenges in radically new ways. The BridgeBuilder Challenge seeks solutions that connect peace, prosperity, and the planet. Submissions should target a specific, pressing, and solvable need across two or more of these themes. The competition is open to non-profit and for-profit organizations as well as individuals. Proposed projects should not be longer than three years. The selected winners share US$1 million. Submissions are due by 17 August 2019. Find out how to participate