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Geneva Centre for Security Policy — Prize for Innovation in Global Security 2019

The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) offers a prize to recognize deserving individuals or organizations that have an innovative approach to addressing international security challenges. The prize seeks to reward the most ground-breaking contribution of the year in the form of an initiative, invention, research publication, or organization. All disciplines and fields are relevant (including global environmental security). The amount of the prize is CHF 10 thousand. The application deadline is 26 September 2019. Link 

The Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) offers a prize to recognize deserving individuals or organizations that have an innovative approach to addressing international security challenges. The prize seeks to reward the most ground-breaking contribution of the year in the form of an initiative, invention, research publication, or organization. All disciplines and fields are relevant (including global environmental security). The amount of the prize is CHF 10 thousand. The application deadline is 26 September 2019. Link