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National Geographic Society — Citizen Science for Species Discovery

The National Geographic Society supports projects that leverage the power of crowd-sourced citizen science data collection to help support the discovery of species, bridge biodiversity gaps, and accelerate biodiversity data collection, identification, and classification. Citizen science projects must support citizen scientists to conduct inventories, surveys, research, and/or encourage and train students and other citizens in data collection and fieldwork activities. Applicants may request between US$5 thousand and US$30 thousand. The deadline to submit a proposal is January 2020. More

The National Geographic Society supports projects that leverage the power of crowd-sourced citizen science data collection to help support the discovery of species, bridge biodiversity gaps, and accelerate biodiversity data collection, identification, and classification. Citizen science projects must support citizen scientists to conduct inventories, surveys, research, and/or encourage and train students and other citizens in data collection and fieldwork activities. Applicants may request between US$5 thousand and US$30 thousand. The deadline to submit a proposal is January 2020. More