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Future for Nature Foundation — Future for Nature Award 2021

The Future for Nature Award aims to stimulate a new generation of nature conservation leaders. The award is made to candidates of any nationality or residence, not older than age 35, who have achieved substantial and long-term benefit to the conservation status of one or more animal and/or plant species, or that of a specific population. Work related to the conservation and protection of endangered species is a priority. The award is made to individuals, not organizations. Each of three award winners will be given a cash prize and a sculpture. The winners are expected to invest their prize of €50 thousand in a conservation project of their own choice. The application deadline is 15 September 2020. Link to the Future for Nature Award

The Future for Nature Award aims to stimulate a new generation of nature conservation leaders. The award is made to candidates of any nationality or residence, not older than age 35, who have achieved substantial and long-term benefit to the conservation status of one or more animal and/or plant species, or that of a specific population. Work related to the conservation and protection of endangered species is a priority. The award is made to individuals, not organizations. Each of three award winners will be given a cash prize and a sculpture. The winners are expected to invest their prize of €50 thousand in a conservation project of their own choice. The application deadline is 15 September 2020. Link to the Future for Nature Award