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Fundación La Caixa — Work4Progress Challenge

The Work4Progress challenge seeks projects that generate new employment opportunities for women and young adults in India, Mozambique and Peru. Projects should focus on technologies to promote entrepreneurship among young women (India), agri-technologies to improve crops (Mozambique), agri-technologies to improve irrigation (Peru). Universities, companies, and non-profit organisations are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit a solution application is 02 September 2019. Details

The Work4Progress challenge seeks projects that generate new employment opportunities for women and young adults in India, Mozambique and Peru. Projects should focus on technologies to promote entrepreneurship among young women (India), agri-technologies to improve crops (Mozambique), agri-technologies to improve irrigation (Peru). Universities, companies, and non-profit organisations are eligible to apply. The deadline to submit a solution application is 02 September 2019. Details