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British Council — Newton Fund Impact Scheme

The Newton Fund Impact Scheme (NFIS) provides funding for current and previously funded Newton Fund grantees with the aim to build upon the original partnership or form a new partnership. The grants will provide funding for initiating or increasing policy impacts, or initiating or increasing engagement with impact multipliers (e.g. businesses, NGOs, or charities). Grants can be up to a maximum of £160 thousand for up to two years. Eligible partner countries for the 2020 call for applicants are Egypt, Indonesia, and Thailand. The application deadline is 15 June 2020. Link to Newton Fund Impact Scheme

The Newton Fund Impact Scheme (NFIS) provides funding for current and previously funded Newton Fund grantees with the aim to build upon the original partnership or form a new partnership. The grants will provide funding for initiating or increasing policy impacts, or initiating or increasing engagement with impact multipliers (e.g. businesses, NGOs, or charities). Grants can be up to a maximum of £160 thousand for up to two years. Eligible partner countries for the 2020 call for applicants are Egypt, Indonesia, and Thailand. The application deadline is 15 June 2020. Link to Newton Fund Impact Scheme