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Swiss Network for International Studies — Call for Projects 2020

The Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) makes grants for pluri-disciplinary research and projects that combine natural and social sciences. SNIS accepts submissions from Swiss institutions of higher education and research. SNIS strongly encourages international collaboration, and international organizations and NGOs can contact the qualified Swiss submitters. Project funding ranges from CHF 100 thousand to CHF 300 thousand for two years. The application deadline is 15 May 2020. Find the call

The Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS) makes grants for pluri-disciplinary research and projects that combine natural and social sciences. SNIS accepts submissions from Swiss institutions of higher education and research. SNIS strongly encourages international collaboration, and international organizations and NGOs can contact the qualified Swiss submitters. Project funding ranges from CHF 100 thousand to CHF 300 thousand for two years. The application deadline is 15 May 2020. Find the call