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UNICEF — Sustainable WASH Solutions

UNICEF WASH Young Changemakers seeks young innovators with innovative Water, Sanitation and Hygiene solutions that will make a difference for children and their families across Asia Pacific. Eligibility extends to English-speaking East Asian or Pacific Islands citizens (under 30 years old) who work in the water industry developing innovative WASH solutions for families in the Asia-Pacific region. The winners gain coaching with a UNICEF innovation expert and access to a network of experts, funders, and potential supporters. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2021. Find the competition

UNICEF WASH Young Changemakers seeks young innovators with innovative Water, Sanitation and Hygiene solutions that will make a difference for children and their families across Asia Pacific. Eligibility extends to English-speaking East Asian or Pacific Islands citizens (under 30 years old) who work in the water industry developing innovative WASH solutions for families in the Asia-Pacific region. The winners gain coaching with a UNICEF innovation expert and access to a network of experts, funders, and potential supporters. The deadline for applications is 15 April 2021. Find the competition