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Merlin Trust — Study Travel Grant for Horticulturists

The Merlin Trust offers travel grants to young horticulturists. The Trust offers up to £1500 to individual applicants to assist with foreign or domestic travel projects. Foreign citizens may apply but must be studying in a British or Irish horticultural training establishment. Eligibility extends to young horticulturists aged between 18 and 34. Submissions are considered on a rolling basis. (Note: Applications have to be submitted at least three months from the application submission date to the date of departure.) About study travel grants

The Merlin Trust offers travel grants to young horticulturists. The Trust offers up to £1500 to individual applicants to assist with foreign or domestic travel projects. Foreign citizens may apply but must be studying in a British or Irish horticultural training establishment. Eligibility extends to young horticulturists aged between 18 and 34. Submissions are considered on a rolling basis. (Note: Applications have to be submitted at least three months from the application submission date to the date of departure.) About study travel grants