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Polish Aid — Polish Challenge Fund

The Polish Challenge Fund (PCF) aims to facilitate the transfer of Polish know-how, technology, and innovative solutions in the area of green technologies to priority partner countries (Ukraine and Belarus). Funds of US$ 40 thousand will be allocated to Polish entities (companies as well as science and research institutes). Grant recipients are expected to ensure financial or in-kind contribution at 20% of the project value. Applications have to be submitted by 16 April 2020. More information here

The Polish Challenge Fund (PCF) aims to facilitate the transfer of Polish know-how, technology, and innovative solutions in the area of green technologies to priority partner countries (Ukraine and Belarus). Funds of US$ 40 thousand will be allocated to Polish entities (companies as well as science and research institutes). Grant recipients are expected to ensure financial or in-kind contribution at 20% of the project value. Applications have to be submitted by 16 April 2020. More information here