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Swiss Innovation Agency — EUREKA Globalstars Cooperation with India

EUREKA Globalstars invites proposals for collaborative industry-led R&D projects within the scope “Key Enabling Technologies for Healthcare, Agriculture and Water.” Collaborative research projects should apply key enabling technologies to tackle challenges in healthcare, agriculture or water, resulting in accessible and marketable solutions. Research teams must include at least one Indian organization, one Swiss company and one Swiss research organization. In Switzerland, a total of CHF 1 million is available for grants. The applications deadline for joint research proposals is 30 June 2020. More information here

EUREKA Globalstars invites proposals for collaborative industry-led R&D projects within the scope “Key Enabling Technologies for Healthcare, Agriculture and Water.” Collaborative research projects should apply key enabling technologies to tackle challenges in healthcare, agriculture or water, resulting in accessible and marketable solutions. Research teams must include at least one Indian organization, one Swiss company and one Swiss research organization. In Switzerland, a total of CHF 1 million is available for grants. The applications deadline for joint research proposals is 30 June 2020. More information here