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National Geographic Society — Equity and the Natural World

The National Geographic Society (NatGeo) seeks projects that will document underrepresented communities that have traditionally been given less consideration in stories of the environmental movement. Proposals may focus on all aspects of local and traditional communities, e.g., land use issues; indigenous heroes; impacts of environmental degradation; climate-related migration, etc. Applicants must have strong track records as storytellers (journalists, photographers, videographers, cartographers). Applicants may request up to US$80 thousand. The deadline is October 2020. Link

The National Geographic Society (NatGeo) seeks projects that will document underrepresented communities that have traditionally been given less consideration in stories of the environmental movement. Proposals may focus on all aspects of local and traditional communities, e.g., land use issues; indigenous heroes; impacts of environmental degradation; climate-related migration, etc. Applicants must have strong track records as storytellers (journalists, photographers, videographers, cartographers). Applicants may request up to US$80 thousand. The deadline is October 2020. Link