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Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility — Small Grants Program

CCRIF finances small projects managed by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs), charity organisations and/or mandated by National Disaster Coordinators in local communities in the Caribbean. Projects submitted for consideration should fall within the thematic areas of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation and range between US$5 to US$25 thousand. Proposals for small grants may be submitted anytime. About the small grants program

CCRIF finances small projects managed by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community-based organisations (CBOs), charity organisations and/or mandated by National Disaster Coordinators in local communities in the Caribbean. Projects submitted for consideration should fall within the thematic areas of disaster risk management and climate change adaptation and range between US$5 to US$25 thousand. Proposals for small grants may be submitted anytime. About the small grants program