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Save Our Seas Foundation — Keystone Grants 2020

The Save Our Seas Foundation funds and supports marine and ocean research, conservation and education projects worldwide. Projects have to focus on charismatic threatened wildlife and their habitats, with a particular concern for marine chondrichthyan species (sharks, rays, skates, sawfishes and chimaeras). The usual project duration is limited to three years with a grants average US$25 thousand per year. The next application period (Stage I) is 30 June 2020. Details about Keystone Grants

The Save Our Seas Foundation funds and supports marine and ocean research, conservation and education projects worldwide. Projects have to focus on charismatic threatened wildlife and their habitats, with a particular concern for marine chondrichthyan species (sharks, rays, skates, sawfishes and chimaeras). The usual project duration is limited to three years with a grants average US$25 thousand per year. The next application period (Stage I) is 30 June 2020. Details about Keystone Grants