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Chrysalis Trust — Grants for Livelihoods Projects

The Chrysalis Trust makes grants for the relief of poverty and disability, and the promotion of access to shelter, education, healthcare, and water. The geographical scope is locally in the North East of England; nationally in the UK; and internationally in developing countries. Past awards include examples of small-scale water projects and other support for local communities in Bangladesh, Zambia, Kenya, Syria, and elsewhere. Most grants are under £10 thousand. Grants are made to UK charities and international charities registered in the UK. The application deadlines are 15 May and 15 December of each year. Details

The Chrysalis Trust makes grants for the relief of poverty and disability, and the promotion of access to shelter, education, healthcare, and water. The geographical scope is locally in the North East of England; nationally in the UK; and internationally in developing countries. Past awards include examples of small-scale water projects and other support for local communities in Bangladesh, Zambia, Kenya, Syria, and elsewhere. Most grants are under £10 thousand. Grants are made to UK charities and international charities registered in the UK. The application deadlines are 15 May and 15 December of each year. Details