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Climate Tracker — Sustainable Food Media Fellowship

Climate Tracker launches the Sustainable Food Media Fellowship to fund journalists from Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia to work on investigative reports about the production of food and access to sustainable diets in their home country. Stories may focus on food security in the context of COVID-19, the impacts of climate change on agriculture, or the environmental footprint of agriculture practices. Participants receive a 4-week online course followed by an 8-week fellowship to develop and publish their stories. Eligibility extends to African journalists between the ages of 18 to 35. The application deadline is 26 June 2020. Find more information

Climate Tracker launches the Sustainable Food Media Fellowship to fund journalists from Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia to work on investigative reports about the production of food and access to sustainable diets in their home country. Stories may focus on food security in the context of COVID-19, the impacts of climate change on agriculture, or the environmental footprint of agriculture practices. Participants receive a 4-week online course followed by an 8-week fellowship to develop and publish their stories. Eligibility extends to African journalists between the ages of 18 to 35. The application deadline is 26 June 2020. Find more information