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ISEKI-Food Association — Food Biodiversity Student Competition

The 2020 Food Factory-4-Us Sustainable Supply Chain International Student Competition seeks great ideas for valorizing food biodiversity. The competition is open to Master’s students enrolled in a food study program in any country. Participants have to form teams of 3-5 students, get a faculty mentor and present a project proposal. Each team will have access to online trainings. The winning team will receive an award of €300 and be invited to the NextFOOD Project Meeting in 2021. The deadline for submissions is 07 October 2020. Participate

The 2020 Food Factory-4-Us Sustainable Supply Chain International Student Competition seeks great ideas for valorizing food biodiversity. The competition is open to Master’s students enrolled in a food study program in any country. Participants have to form teams of 3-5 students, get a faculty mentor and present a project proposal. Each team will have access to online trainings. The winning team will receive an award of €300 and be invited to the NextFOOD Project Meeting in 2021. The deadline for submissions is 07 October 2020. Participate