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European Commission — Overseas Biodiversity and Climate Change

BEST 2.0+ promotes the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystem services, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, in the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Pacific, Polar and Subpolar, and South Atlantic regions. Local authorities and civil society organizations are invited to submit projects with focus on local development, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem services. The maximum grants amount is €60 thousand over a period of 19 months. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 22 October 2020. BEST 2.0+

BEST 2.0+ promotes the conservation of biodiversity and sustainable use of ecosystem services, including climate change adaptation and mitigation, in the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Pacific, Polar and Subpolar, and South Atlantic regions. Local authorities and civil society organizations are invited to submit projects with focus on local development, biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of ecosystem services. The maximum grants amount is €60 thousand over a period of 19 months. The deadline for the submission of concept notes is 22 October 2020. BEST 2.0+