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Smart farming innovations for small-scale producers

Smart Farming Innovations for Small-Scale Producers Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks Smart Farming solutions that leverage digital technology innovations that have the potential to drive a positive impact for small-scale producer (SSP) entrepreneurs delivered through bundled farmer services and enabled by scalable digital and data platforms. Solutions should address one or more challenges faced by small-scale crop and livestock producers in one or more areas of agricultural advisory, farm management decision support, input supply, finance, insurance, market access and linkages. Solutions should use human-centered design to elucidate the barriers that prevent SSPs from improving productivity, profitability and income – then propose Smart Farming solutions that can help elevate small-scale production entrepreneurs. Some of the fundamental challenges to address include:

1) low productivity is driven by lack of access to information and services; climate change, weather variability and pest and disease outbreaks;

Smart Farming Innovations for Small-Scale Producers Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks Smart Farming solutions that leverage digital technology innovations that have the potential to drive a positive impact for small-scale producer (SSP) entrepreneurs delivered through bundled farmer services and enabled by scalable digital and data platforms. Solutions should address one or more challenges faced by small-scale crop and livestock producers in one or more areas of agricultural advisory, farm management decision support, input supply, finance, insurance, market access and linkages. Solutions should use human-centered design to elucidate the barriers that prevent SSPs from improving productivity, profitability and income – then propose Smart Farming solutions that can help elevate small-scale production entrepreneurs. Some of the fundamental challenges to address include:

1) low productivity is driven by lack of access to information and services; climate change, weather variability and pest and disease outbreaks;

2) lack of access to tailored financial and insurance products, and

3) lack of access to and choice of market and offtake options.

Additionally, solutions will need to consider barriers to adoption of digital farmer services, such as low language and digital literacy, the high relative cost of services and devices and, in particular, gender gaps and other potential downsides of digital solutions (e.g. the growing digital divide).

Awards: There are two grant types – Seed Grants and Scale-Up Grants – each with its own requirements. Applicants can only apply for one of these grant types must select which level for which they are applying (the proposal should not be submitted for both grant types).


To increase the probability that projects funded through this RFP will continue after the initial project completion and evolve into a continuing global public good or sustained solution, applicants are encouraged to consider of a range of partners to form a consortium. This investment will prioritize those who partner with organizations interested in Smart Farming in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) as long-term opportunities. There are several types of organizations we envisage being part of consortia submitting proposals: Enterprise Technology Platforms (Big-Tech), Enterprise Agriculture (Big-Ag), Ag-Tech Startups (Ag-Tech + Farm-Tech), Research Organizations (R&D), national and international NGOs and farmer-based organizations (Implementors), Government and International Organizations.


While we primarily seek solutions applicable to the LMICs listed below and favor those forming local partnerships. Other geographies will be considered if a strong case is made for doing so.

Africa: Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique, Nigeria
Asia: India (Bihar, Odisha, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh), Bangladesh

To apply: Click here to read more about this opportunity before applying.

Find the original post on the Global Grand Challenges website.