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DAAD Scholarships in Germany for Development-Related Postgraduate Courses

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarships offer foreign graduates from development and newly industrialized countries from all disciplines and with at least two years’ professional experience the chance to take a postgraduate or Master’s degree at a state or state-recognized German university, and in exceptional cases to take a doctoral degree, and to obtain a university qualification (Master’s/PhD) in Germany.

German Universities offering development-related postgraduate courses

Brief description: 

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) scholarships offer foreign graduates from development and newly industrialized countries from all disciplines and with at least two years’ professional experience the chance to take a postgraduate or Master’s degree at a state or state-recognized German university, and in exceptional cases to take a doctoral degree, and to obtain a university qualification (Master’s/PhD) in Germany.

Host Institution(s):

German Universities offering development-related postgraduate courses

Level/Field(s) of Study:

Masters or PhD courses in Economic Sciences/Business Administration/Political Economics; Development Cooperation; Engineering and Related Sciences; Mathematics; Regional and Urban Planning; Agricultural and Forest Sciences; Natural and Environmental Sciences; Medicine and Public Health; Social Sciences, Education and Law; and Media Studies.

See the complete list of eligible development-related postgraduate courses for 2022/2023.

Scholarship value/inclusions/duration:

The scholarships include monthly payments of 861 euros for graduates or 1,200 euros for doctoral candidates; payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover; and travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding.

The scholarship duration is 12 to 24 months (depending on the particular institution) for Masters and 42 months for PhD.