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Become a leader in Sustainability!

Our Leading for sustainability programme will give you the confidence and leadership skills to make a real difference to your life, and will empower you, and your organisation, with the tools to create a more sustainable world. It’s designed for progressive business leaders who are driven by the desire to make positive change in the world around them. It will allow you to step back, challenge your perceptions and stretch your leadership capability while helping you to refine your vision of change – for you and your organisation.

These participants are making their mark – here’s what they say about our programme

“I joined this programme because I wanted to deepen my understanding of myself and what was driving me to work in sustainability. What I liked most was the great care and support for personal development – the personal relationships and the diversity of techniques for bringing these out and nurturing them." Catherine Langabeer, Deputy Director and Director of Arts at Julie’s Bicycle

Discover what some of our other past Fellows had to say about Leading for sustainability:

Our Leading for sustainability programme will give you the confidence and leadership skills to make a real difference to your life, and will empower you, and your organisation, with the tools to create a more sustainable world. It’s designed for progressive business leaders who are driven by the desire to make positive change in the world around them. It will allow you to step back, challenge your perceptions and stretch your leadership capability while helping you to refine your vision of change – for you and your organisation.

These participants are making their mark – here’s what they say about our programme

“I joined this programme because I wanted to deepen my understanding of myself and what was driving me to work in sustainability. What I liked most was the great care and support for personal development – the personal relationships and the diversity of techniques for bringing these out and nurturing them." Catherine Langabeer, Deputy Director and Director of Arts at Julie’s Bicycle

Discover what some of our other past Fellows had to say about Leading for sustainability:

Why not ask your HR department if they would consider funding or part funding you for the programme? We believe that sustainability will enhance the profitability of your organisation. Key benefits include:

  • Improved corporate reputation
  • Higher employee morale
  • Reduced risks and greater efficiency
  • Increased customer goodwill
  • Opportunity to development of new products and services
  • Opens up new markets

Call Monika Koncz-MacKenzie to make a no obligation reservation: +44 (0) 207 938 8720
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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