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17th Swiss Global Change Day

The Swiss Global Change Day is the event where the Science Community of all disciplines meets and interacts. The aim is to present recent highlights in global environmental change research as well as to point out challenges for future research.

The poster session reflects the current research activities. There is ample of time to study these posters and to discuss. Travel awards honour the most attractive and comprehensive posters.

The Swiss Global Change Day is the event where the Science Community of all disciplines meets and interacts. The aim is to present recent highlights in global environmental change research as well as to point out challenges for future research.

The poster session reflects the current research activities. There is ample of time to study these posters and to discuss. Travel awards honour the most attractive and comprehensive posters.

Posters can be submitted in the following categories:

  • Geosphere/Biosphere
  • Atmosphere/Hydrosphere
  • Human Dimensions
  • Biodiversity
  • Sustainability/North-South Partnership