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Consultancy Services to facilitate Country Foresight Exercise (CFE)

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: Expression of Interest letter (no longer than 10 pages) outlining proposed methodologies, references related to the execution of similar assignments, experience in similar areas, or evidence of knowledge and a proposed timeline.

Dr Aggrey Agumya Executive Director Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) PMB CT 173, Achimota, Accra, Ghana Telephone: +233 302 772823/744888 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), through its Institutional Capacity & Future Scenarios (ICF) Cluster, contributes to the CAADP-Malabo 2025 targets of ensuring that Africa's AR4D institutions have adequate capacity to plan and respond to national capacity requirements leveraging on foresight methodologies to foster food system transformation. Through its CAADPXP4 Program, FARA has been advancing foresight processes at regional and country levels, leveraging on its diverse partners through the Africa Foresight Academy (AFA). The Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN), through its Regional Office, commissioned the FARA to facilitate the implementation of regional foresight expert consultation, bringing experts from across Africa to examine country-relevant triggers and drivers of transformation based its series, "The Future of Food and Agriculture: Drivers and Triggers of Transformation (FOFA-DTT)."

Focusing on the African landscape, the consultation is poised to dissect nuanced case studies from Madagascar, Nigeria, and Kenya, unravelling the intricacies that propel agricultural and food systems evolution. As a starting point, FARA and FAO will convene country foresight experts’ consultations in key countries to develop and validate country foresight reports. This assignment aims to assess the existing country foresight activities and initiatives detailing modes, structure, and use. It will quantitatively analyse stakeholders’ opinions on what and how the country foresight report should look like for easy adaptations and used as a reference guide. It will run a stakeholder survey and identify the trigger of change in the sector. To achieve the above, FARA proposes engaging a suitable consultant per country to support the processThe objective of the assignment is to facilitate Country Foresight Exercise (CFE) in Kenya, Nigeria and Madagascar and the Development of a Country Foresight Report (CFR) based on the existing Regional Foresight Report (RFR) leading to upgraded regional foresight report. 

The following qualifications are required.

• A minimum of an advanced degree in agricultural economics/extension, social sciences, rural sociology, and agronomy, with at least five years of qualification experience working on agricultural research and development issues in a research institution or an African university.

• Ability to convene stakeholder groups around foresight on agrifood systems.

• A good understanding of agriculture foresight issues in Africa. • Evidence of ability to facilitate meetings and coordinate studies.

• Familiarity with the Africa Foresight Academy and FOFA-DTT process

• A track record of writing reports evidenced by publication records as books and chapters in books, conference papers, and journal articles.

• Ability to curate thoughts from different stakeholder groups into a simple report. • Ability to provide accurate, high-quality documents under pressure.

• Ability to draft high-quality stakeholder engagement summaries

The consultant will work virtually from their place of domicile to coordinate and facilitate the different actions. Travel will be organised when necessary.

More details here.