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Norad: Support for International Organizations and Networks

The Nowegian Agency for International Development (Norad) makes grants to organizations and networks based outside of Norway to complement the programs it funds through Norwegian channels.

The areas supported include the following themes:

The Nowegian Agency for International Development (Norad) makes grants to organizations and networks based outside of Norway to complement the programs it funds through Norwegian channels.

The areas supported include the following themes:

  • Climate-smart agriculture in Africa;
  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency;
  • Biodiversity conservation; and
  • Support for local populations, women, and disadvantaged groups in access and rights to natural resources.

Applying organizations should have members in two or more countries (explained on Norad's site), with preference for organizations and networks from the developing world.

Norad's Call for Proposals describes the program, priorities, application process, and other supporting details. The application deadline is 01 February 2013.
