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Call for abstracts - GCHERA 2015 Conference

The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon will be hosting the International Conference of the Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences (GCHERA) on the 25th and 26th of June 2015.

This conference will gather higher educational associations and institutions dealing with Agricultural and Life Sciences from around the globe in order to encourage mutual understanding and global co-operation in supporting innovation and providing leadership in education, research and outreach in different agricultural fields.

The Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (USEK), Lebanon will be hosting the International Conference of the Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences (GCHERA) on the 25th and 26th of June 2015.

This conference will gather higher educational associations and institutions dealing with Agricultural and Life Sciences from around the globe in order to encourage mutual understanding and global co-operation in supporting innovation and providing leadership in education, research and outreach in different agricultural fields.

The theme of the conference is “Universities’ Global Challenge: Nutritional Security and Environmental Sustainability for Human Health”. Proposed sub-themes are:

A.    The role of Education and research: from food security to nutritional security

B.   The role of nutrition in transforming health care from a disease to a health based system

C.     Sustainable Agriculture: Feeding 9 billion with a smaller environmental footprint

D.    Innovation through Agricultural food system entrepreneurship.

We cordially invite you to submit abstracts of your scientific work and/or your field of experience to GCHERA 2015 Conference before January 31st, 2015 because we highly believe that your input will be very enriching and essential to the different sub-themes.

Please take the time to visit GCHERA 2015 website ( where you will find all the details and the description of each sub-theme.

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a Scientific Committee and assigned to the appropriate session for oral or poster presentations. Abstracts and presentations must be in English. Please note that instant translation to English will be available upon request.

All the accepted papers will be published as a special publication with an ISBN number. The authors will also receive a printed book of abstracts during the conference.

Along the quality scientific schedule, great social programs are proposed. We are expecting you all in USEK, Lebanon!
