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Harvest the future international symposium 2015: Innovations in climate-smart agriculture for small-scale producers

Join this immersive symposium to learn and share multi-sector solutions that can equip grassroots producers to lead the vanguard toward sustainable development goals for:

Join this immersive symposium to learn and share multi-sector solutions that can equip grassroots producers to lead the vanguard toward sustainable development goals for:

  • Food Security
  • Nutrition and Health
  • Climate Change Adaptation
  • Water Conservation
  • Income Generation and Livelihoods
Explore aquaponics and other intensive, climate-smart interventions as well as renewable energy and water harvesting solutions, and how they can be scaled up in a wide variety of development settings. 
Experience grassroots production and vanguard adaptations among smallholder farmers, fisherfolk, schools, youth groups, groups of disabled farmers and within a juvenile detention center. Join field trips to see these pioneering solutions in action, and learn from the people who are making them work in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East.  
Engage with colleagues and discover collaborative opportunities to advance shared objectives and programs that rely on healthy, resilient and productive food systems. Interact and network with private- and public-sector leaders and development practitioners from around the world.
Confirmed Speakers:
  • Denise Herbol, Mission Director, USAID Jamaica
  • Chris Somerville, Urban Agriculture Consultant, FAO
  • Therese Turner-Jones, Country Representative in Jamaica, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Wayne Beecher, Senior Specialist, Multilateral Investment Fund, Inter-American Development Bank
  • Thad Jackson, Executive Vice President, INMED Partnerships for Children
Save the Date: June 14-17, 2015
 Ready to register now? 
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