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Global Development Network: Research Competition Includes Topic of Food Security

The Global Development Network (GDN) invites researchers from developing and transition countries to submit research proposals for the 2012 Global Research Competition.

The themes in 2012 -- which is the pilot year of this program -- include food security (among others).

The Global Development Network (GDN) invites researchers from developing and transition countries to submit research proposals for the 2012 Global Research Competition.

The themes in 2012 -- which is the pilot year of this program -- include food security (among others).

The research competition is inter-regional and multi-disciplinary. Proposals can be submitted individually, or in teams. An online platform will help individuals and incomplete teams to find collaborators.

Research projects may involve, but are not limited to, the following types of research activities:

  • Applied research;
  • Case studies;
  • Comparative studies; and
  • Critical analyses of existing research.

Grants are up to US$32 thousand for projects of up to 18 months. Each winning team will be paired with world-class mentors.

The submission deadline is 21 May 2012.  More information about this research competition is available on GDN's web pages.   
