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To mark the centennial of The Rockefeller Foundation, the foundation is seeking the knowledge and innovative ideas that will solve problems for the next 100 years.

Read more on the Rockefeller Foundation Website.

To mark the centennial of The Rockefeller Foundation, the foundation is seeking the knowledge and innovative ideas that will solve problems for the next 100 years.

In the face of these 21st century realities, achieving the Foundation's overall goal to build resilience and more equitable growth, especially for poor or vulnerable people, relies in part on their commitment to a continuing search for, and openness to, new ideas and new ways of building solutions to these complex crises.

As many as 9 out of 15 finalists will be selected by the Foundation to apply for up to $100,000 in grant support to further develop or implement their ideas.

ENTER BY MAY 25, 2012!

Challenge Info:

Challenge Orientation

Innovative Ideas for Decoding Data, Irrigating Efficiency, and Farming Now address key levers for change and will create significant impact. What these ideas could look like is still largely unknown. The Innovation Challenges are designed to discover and reward ideas that show unique promise for addressing global needs from a variety of geographies, perspectives, and contexts.

All challenge entrants will be competing for an accolade from The Rockefeller Foundation. Additionally, fifteen challenge finalists will be considered for up to nine, $100,000 grants and recognition at The Rockefeller Innovation Forum.

Important Dates

April 2, 2012

Open for Entries

May 25, 2012

Deadline for Entries

June 28, 2012

Finalists Announced

August 2012

Grant Process Begins


Challenge entrants may include individuals, organizations, formal or informal entities, i.e. an association, guild, student group, or village. Individuals submitting an idea, hereafter referred to as the entrant, on behalf of a group should be fully authorized by that group to do so. Any informal entities will need to affiliate with a formal authorized entity to apply for funding.

To be eligible for consideration, each entrant must:

Read more on the Rockefeller Foundation Website.

