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Jeanie Borlaug Laube Women in Triticum (WIT) Early Career Award

This award, established in 2010, provides professional development opportunities for women working in wheat during the early stages of their career.? The award is named after Jeanie Borlaug Laube, mentor to many, and daughter of Nobel Laureate Dr.? Norman E.? Borlaug.? Jeanie Borlaug Laube has served as Chair of the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative since October 2009.?  Recipients of the Jeanie Borlaug Laube WIT award are invited to the annual BGRI technical workshop.? The exact amount of the award will vary with demonstrated need, but is intended to help cover costs associated with attending the BGRI Workshop, including economy airfare, hotel, registration fees, and a standard per diem for meals and other incidentals.? Award recipients are also eligible to attend a training program at CIMMYT in Obregon, Mexico.

The award is made only to women. There is no age limit, but the award is intended for early career scientists ranging from advanced undergraduates to recent PhD graduates and post- doctoral fellows.? Priority is given to women at the pre-professoriate level.?


This award, established in 2010, provides professional development opportunities for women working in wheat during the early stages of their career.? The award is named after Jeanie Borlaug Laube, mentor to many, and daughter of Nobel Laureate Dr.? Norman E.? Borlaug.? Jeanie Borlaug Laube has served as Chair of the Borlaug Global Rust Initiative since October 2009.?  Recipients of the Jeanie Borlaug Laube WIT award are invited to the annual BGRI technical workshop.? The exact amount of the award will vary with demonstrated need, but is intended to help cover costs associated with attending the BGRI Workshop, including economy airfare, hotel, registration fees, and a standard per diem for meals and other incidentals.? Award recipients are also eligible to attend a training program at CIMMYT in Obregon, Mexico.


The award is made only to women. There is no age limit, but the award is intended for early career scientists ranging from advanced undergraduates to recent PhD graduates and post- doctoral fellows.? Priority is given to women at the pre-professoriate level.?

Nominees will be judged on:

  • Strength of scientific abstract submitted to the BGRI annual technical workshop
  • Commitment to and passion for agricultural development
  • Leadership potential
  • Quality of written statement of intent

Up to five awards may be granted in a given year.? However, the number of awards granted may be fewer in number depending on the quality of applications received.?

Deadline: October 1, 2014

Application Process

To apply, please complete the Application and submit along with a letter of recommendation from a supervisor, professor, or mentor that speaks to the applicant’s leadership potential.


Electronic submissions are preferred. Send nominations to 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。. All application materials should be submitted as a single PDF.

Applications may be sent by mail to:
BGRI WIT Early Career Award
c/?o Sarah Evanega
Cornell University
251 Emerson Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853 USA
