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Nordic Climate Facility -- Climate Projects in Developing Countries, 5th Call for Proposals

The Nordic Climate Facility has launched a call for proposals on the theme of "Climate Resilience in Urban and Private Sector Contexts." Grants ranging from €250 thousand to €500 thousand will be made to partnerships between relevant Nordic institutions and qualified local partners in eligible low-income countries: Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Malawi, Maldives, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

The Nordic Climate Facility has launched a call for proposals on the theme of "Climate Resilience in Urban and Private Sector Contexts." Grants ranging from €250 thousand to €500 thousand will be made to partnerships between relevant Nordic institutions and qualified local partners in eligible low-income countries: Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cape Verde, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, Kenya, Kyrgyz Republic, Laos, Malawi, Maldives, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nepal, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Rwanda, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

Gwladys Mabah