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Save Our Seas Foundation (SOSF) - 2016 Marine Conservation Photography Grant

The Save Our Seas Foundation believes that photography is a powerful tool for marine conservation. We invite emerging conservation and wildlife photographers who have a passion for marine subjects to apply for our 2016 grant. This is a unique opportunity for photographers to go on assignment, earn an income and gain experience under the guidance of National Geographic photographer Thomas Peschak.

The Save Our Seas Foundation believes that photography is a powerful tool for marine conservation. We invite emerging conservation and wildlife photographers who have a passion for marine subjects to apply for our 2016 grant. This is a unique opportunity for photographers to go on assignment, earn an income and gain experience under the guidance of National Geographic photographer Thomas Peschak.


  1. Applicants should be serious emerging photographers who may have become successful in their local region but have not been widely published in major magazines and have not earned numerous high-profile international awards.
  2. Applicants under the age of 30 are encouraged to apply, but older applicants who can still be regarded as ‘emerging’ may also be considered.
  3. Photographers with underwater photography skills in their repertoire are especially encouraged to apply.


  1. A ‘best of’ portfolio of 20 photographs. The portfolio must showcase the applicant’s strongest images and must include some marine, coastal or underwater photographs.
  2. One photo story comprising 10 images. The story must be nature or environmentally themed. Marine-themed stories are welcome, but not essential.
  3. A completed online questionnaire.


  • Two winners will be selected for each grant. Each winner will receive a US$2,000 cash prize
  • Each winner will be given a paid three-week photographic assignment to document an SOSF-supported marine research or conservation project.
  • The SOSF has funded more than 160 projects in more than 40 countries and the winning photographers will be assigned to tell one of these stories.
  • The photographers will receive will mentorship photographers throughout the process.
  • Both winners will be given the chance to showcase their work at an international conference or an exhibition.
  • Each winner’s story will also be published as a photo essay in the Save Our Seas Foundation’s magazine.

Click Save Our Seas Foundation for more


