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Round 2 call for the IMMANA fellowships

The IMMANA Fellowships are part of the larger IMMANA programme, an initiative funded with UK aid from the UK government. The goal of the programme is to accelerate the development of a robust and coherent scientific evidence base which will support effective policy and investments in agriculture for improved nutrition and health.

The IMMANA Fellowships are part of the larger IMMANA programme, an initiative funded with UK aid from the UK government. The goal of the programme is to accelerate the development of a robust and coherent scientific evidence base which will support effective policy and investments in agriculture for improved nutrition and health.

Needed kind of research

The programme’s goal is to advance innovative methods and metrics regarding the most cost-effective actions for sustainable, large-scale improvements in agriculture, nutrition and health.

Most of the Fellowships awarded will focus on fieldwork in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, developing and applying new measurement techniques adapted to the analysis of specific interventions.

Favourable consideration will be given to projects with linkages to other IMMANA activities, and for proposals addressing changing gender roles, climate change, and dietary transition, but the programme welcomes strong proposals for any kinds of research on the relationship between agriculture, nutrition and health in developing countries.

Projects may address knowledge gaps involving crops, livestock, water or other natural resources affected by agriculture, and cover nutrients, pathogens and care practices affecting nutrition or any aspect of care, prevention and treatment affecting health outcomes.

Proposals should specify how they build on or complement previous work, with appropriate citations. 


Eligible applicants will have completed a doctorate (PhD, DPhil, DPH, MD, DVM or similar terminal degree) in any field related to agriculture, nutrition and health within three years of the proposed


IMMANA strongly encourages applications from female candidates who are citizens of low- and middle-income countries. Selection will give preference to applicants who have research or faculty appointments in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, but applicants may be of any nationality and have earned their doctorate anywhere.

For more information visit the IMMANA Fellowships
