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Biodiversity Media Grant Opportunity

The Internews Earth Journalism Network’s Biodiversity Media Grant Opportunity is open for applicants.

The Internews Earth Journalism Network’s Biodiversity Media Grant Opportunity is open for applicants.

The Biodiversity Media Grants will support projects that build the capacity of journalism networks and media organizations to report on biodiversity and conservation issues; carry out biodiversity and/or conservation training activities for journalists; build internal capacity; and organize local networks around these issues.

Types of projects supported by the grant opportunity

The Biodiversity Media Grant will support projects that generally focus on training and capacity building, with flexible spending guidelines that enable local networks to invest in strategic opportunities, build the capacities of their members, and respond to communities’ needs.

Projects funded by this grant should build awareness of the threats to biodiversity and conservation-based solutions by spreading quality news and information, with a focus on developing country audiences. Projects should also build the capacity of journalists and communicators to report on threats to biodiversity and on conservation-based solutions, by building their skills, knowledge and contacts.


The Biodiversity Media Grant Opportunity is designed to support the awareness- or capacity-building around biodiversity and conservation, network building, content production around these issues, or creating digital or other media outlets. Applicants should note their affiliations with existing media organizations or provide detailed plans about how this project would facilitate the creation of a new network or organization. 

As Internews is strictly a media development organization, avoid any applications rooted in advocacy or political campaigning.

Where can this funding be used? 

The fund is predominantly focused on the developing world, where the need is often the greatest and the pool of available resources is limited. However, it is open to proposals from anywhere. In this case projects in high-biodiversity regions of the world, such as the Amazon, Central Africa and SE Asia, or other biodiversity hotspots are of interest.

The deadline for applications is January 4, 2016.

More information at Biodiversity Media Grant Opportunity