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Indian Youth in the fieldHistorically speaking, lot many things happened on this Day -15 July. All now part of history. What is important is future & future looks forward to youth - the future scientists, workers, engineers, doctors, teachers & the farmers. The big majority of farmers worldwide are aging and youth are reluctant to agriculture. They don’t find any glamour in farming. Why they want to leave farming and what can be done is being discussed at various forums. The urban life and lifestyle lures them. How to attract and retain them in agriculture is a challenge for almost every country. Youth are the future of Agriculture. Youth have to be skilled to be productive work force in any field including agriculture. Imagine if youth are not skilled and simply a burden on society, a big liability. Engaging youth in agriculture is challenging but it’s possible. How?

The United Nations Introduced - WORLD YOUTH SKILLS DAY to raise awareness of the importance of acquiring skills as a means to address the challenges of unemployment and under employment, and as a way to achieve better socio-economic conditions for all youth. So the governments worldwide are trying to empower youth with skills and employment opportunities.

Last year, I wrote a blog saying that Youth must be the potential target for Agricultural extension, for motivating and skilling them into agriculture. They should feel excited about farming and pursue it with passion. There are role models of young farmers everywhere. I profiled a few of them who could be guiding force for the youth. The smart and skilled young farmers can make youth rich and famous even when they are rearing pigs.

Indian Youth

Unskilled farm workers is big challenge in developing countries like India. The Prime Minister’s Skill Development Mission (Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana, PMKVY) has been launched to ensure that many of India’s 231 million young people under 25 are equipped with skills that the economy needs and that jobs are created for the 12 millions who seek employment every year. To address the problem, the Agricultural Skill Council of India has taken up the challenge- to turn rural youth into skilled work force.

Going by these initiatives, the picture look rosy for India’s youth. A very happy World Youth Skills day to all the young future farmers!

More information about the author

Dr Mahesh Chander
Head, Division of Extension Education
ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243 122 (UP) INDIA
Email: mchanderivri(at)gmail(dot)com

Picture credit: Mahesh Chander

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