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2020 – The year of same goals but different approach

The last two years were very substantial for YPARD Serbia!

We put our feet on the ground, we spread the word on who we are and what we do and we made some friends and partners along the way. We are very proud of our position now and with the position of young farmers in Serbia.

The number of young farmers in the country is spreading, there is currently three YF association, the government is more present in issues of YF and there are more subsidies that the youth can use in agriculture. The problems are concretized and step by step we are reaching our goal and making circumstances better for the young to make living through agriculture. 

That's why I started to think about what kind of different approach YPARD Serbia can take to further contribute. What can we do to share a better image of agriculture among the youth? What can we do to show others that agriculture can be a solution for job and life?

Agriculture doesn't necessarily need to have just an economic side, but social as well. People living in villages are closer to each other and neighbours. Living on a farm makes you more prudent and thoughtful about food growing, nature and how your action can affect others around you. Let's say that farm life can give you physical and mental health, make you more compassionate and careful about the nature around you and human relationships. In other words, village life and agriculture make you a family-oriented person.

YPARD Serbia is thinking about creating a project that can include children without parental care and townships. We want to show to the young people that agriculture and life in a village can not only be a job but can also be a stable community. This project won’t be just teaching kids about ecological educations, but much more. This project can teach them about the real value of life - sharing, giving and what is the main role of the human in this world.

This is preceded by research, many meetings and, of course, finding sponsors who find this idea important and interesting. I would like this way to invite any YPARD member to share with me their thoughts and ideas about this future project via 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。.  

YPARD Serbia wants to develop the idea that a farmer isn't just a worker on land, but a complete person with all virtues for itself and the world around.

Picture credit: YPARD Serbia

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