By Johannes Dreer on 2017年4月03日, 星期一
Category: Blog Post

Agricultural mentoring program in the SEMA project

Dear YPARD fellows,

Today I would like to draw your attention to SEMA-project in which among others The Institute for Rural Development Research (IfLS) in Frankfurt together with my company - Hof und Leben in Germany - are involved.

The SEMA project focuses on fostering Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Multifunctional Agriculture. The main aim of the SEMA project is to provide training and capacity building opportunities according to the needs for qualification of European farmers beyond formal vocational training and additional case studies. 

To reach this aim the project offers specific training courses, selected case studies and the possibility to find feasible partners for mentoring to build up sustainable businesses in the field.

We are about to start testing the tools produced in the project from now on and will have ongoing national events (in the countries of project consortium). There will be national multiplier events with farmers in May, national Multiplier events with mentors in June and national final conferences in September, 2017.

We are proud to present the results. And we are looking forward to receiving as many feedbacks as possible within the project duration to develop even further in the right direction.

 A matchmaking platform for Mentors and Mentees in Europe

We built up a matchmaking platform for Mentors and Mentees. It is available in English, Lithuanian, Romanian, Spanish, Polish and German language and offers - after login - open access to all (young) farmers interested in Mentoring in these fields:

Please take the necessary steps to enter the matchmaking platform as following:

  1. Kindly create an account in the link here
  2. Then build up your profile
  3. Check and use the whole mentoring section (Introduction, Basic information, Downloads)

I hope you like these possibilities and find them helpful for you. I kindly invite you all, YPARD fellows to take part and make the platform vivid. Every feedback from you is highly appreciated to tailor the project to meet your needs and serve you well.

Please forward this message and spread it widely.

Warm regards to all of you!


YPARD Germany country representative

Picture credit: SEMA project

For more details visit here the SEMA project website.

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