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Are you a social media lover? Join YPARD SMT!

Communications - social media particularly – are crucial towards building a sustainable future. If you doubt it, try us and join the YPARD Social media Team!

What is the YPARD Social Media Team (SMT)?

YPARD SMT is an online group of more than 200 people: individuals or representatives of their organizations. The purpose of the group is to use social media as a mean to give youth the space to take an active role in agricultural development. That’s to say, we give you(th):

  • a voice : opportunities for the youth to take part in key debates, by interacting online
  • knowledge : exchanging useful information for young people (YPs) in agricultural development (news on specific innovation, call for contributions etc)
  • interest and recognition : together, we promote agriculture by sharing some great youth-in-ag. stories through the coolest and modern means of communications!
  • technical communications skills: to help the youth to bring THEIR messages effectively

We particularly work around the social reporting of key international events. We also regularly send calls for articles, for guest contributions on our partners’ channels.  Furthermore, we don’t hesitate to solicit the team whenever we have some interesting information to share & disseminate for YPs in Agriculture!

What it takes!

Do you have a background in agriculture or are you interested in contributing to agricultural/sustainable development with your own expertise? Good! All you need then is a genuine interest in Social Media! You don’t need to be an expert; you will learn a lot by doing.

Be you a young professional (less than 40 years old) or above 40, with eager to bring your support to the young generation, you are welcome! This is an international group: wherever you come from, join us!

2015: some fresh cooking!

We have embarked in a very exciting year. Ahead of us, particularly, is:

We received great feedback about our work and we have always been seen as an added value in all the projects and events we have been involved in! If you like to see concrete impact for your actions, you are in the right group!

Read about our GCARD2 adventure - the conference where the team was born - to understand how YPARD SMT makes a difference.

How does it work?

YPARD SMT is a virtual community, which works together in a Google group. We share information and calls for participation via this group. If you have a gmail address, you can check the archived strings of messages and the list of group members on the online google group space.

We also have a Facebook group for YPARD SMT. While the Google group helps to work together effectively, the Facebook group is more for chitchat, informal sharing etc etc, to bind the group and put a face to your name. YPARD SMT is more than an online team; it is a family!


Express your interest in joining the team: simply write to info[@] with subject line: [add me to the YPARD SMT]. Ideally, ask to join with a gmail address: this will enable you to access the google group’s data. Tell us very briefly about you and your interest in joining the Team, such as your insights about the power of social media for youth and agricultural development!

Also, don’t forget to join the YPARD SMT Facebook group. For those of you who heard of YPARD only recently, become YPARD member as well (it’s free!), and join YPARD Facebook group ! You’ll be surprised!

"In several of our past campaigns, the YPARD Social Media Team has played a crucial role in our communications outreach. The YPARD SMT always brings in their youthful and contagious enthusiasm, which was inspiring for others. The YPARD SMT is a typical example of how youth can use their voice to advocate for their causes and express their views -Views which are critical to move to a better world. It has always been an honor and privilege to work with YPARD."

Peter Casier - Social Media Consultant

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