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Awareness programs on crop management and mass productivity in Pakistan

YPARD Pakistan capacity building programThe people of Mureed Shakh are quite illiterate; most of the farmers were unaware of the technology and mass productivity of crops. The production of sugarcane they are cultivating is 50% less than what can be done with new technologies.
When we visited and observed farmers of Mureed Shakh, they were farming sugarcane in majority, but they were not aware about how to get mass productivity. The reason was their lack of knowledge about crop technology. We decided to conduct programs that can inform farmers on such issues like pest and disease problems. 
In collaboration with FMC united (pvt) ltd: a pesticide company, YPARD members organized awareness programs about sugarcane crop and the main related challenges. These programs were conducted village to village, and called “Mobile Container Program”, in the area of Mureed Shakh, district Ghotki, Sindh, Pakistan.
We conducted seven programs in total, gathering 140 farmers, among which 20 young farmers . All farmers were from three villages from the area of Mureed Shakh.
We transform awareness and FMC’s research on sugarcane crop about pest management of sugarcane crop, and how to increase productivity of crop per acre. We recommended carbofuran (Furadan) insecticide product to control pest and disease of sugarcane and also agronomy of sugarcane crop. The productivity of sugarcane increased by new technology reached about 300 monds per acre.
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