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Breaking grounds for a strong YouthInRAS Global Network

Finding a professional arena in which you feel at ease and make it your comfort zone, for youth nowadays, is a challenging issue. Hiring opportunities in most development sectors are becoming scarce and competitive over time. The rate of unemployment and under-employment as well as the need for youth to acquire technical capacities to prosper are on the rise. Agriculture indeed... Continue reading

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  • Cameroon
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1122 Hits
1122 Hits

From nowhere to now here; YPARD made a way

Determining when your light will shine is barely impossible. It’s just a matter of patience, commitment and continuous personal development over time- not forgetting your professional development. In the African context, the means for the youth to gain accurate competencies to build their expertise and professionalism in various sectors, generally depend on the system and environment they find themselves in. In... Continue reading

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  • Cameroon
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  972 Hits
972 Hits

Youth in RAS making history at #GFRASAPEN2017

After the epic moments spent in Cameroon at Limbe, the “Town of Friendship” last year, the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) decided to hold this year’s International Conference of the Australia-Pacific Extension Network (APEN), GFRASAPEN at Ingham, the “Town of Hospitality”, and at Townsville in Queensland, Australia. This is quite a good approach to vary the hosting country each... Continue reading

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  • Cameroon
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  770 Hits
770 Hits

Youth in RAS made history at GFRASAPEN2017

After the epic moments spent in Cameroon at Limbe, the “Town of Friendship” last year, the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) decided to hold this year’s International Conference of the Australia-Pacific Extension Network (APEN), GFRASAPEN at Ingham, the “Town of Hospitality”, and at Townsville in Queensland, Australia. This is quite a good approach to vary the hosting country each... Continue reading

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  • Cameroon
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  747 Hits
747 Hits

Youth and agriculture at the youth week in Cameroon

During the 51st Annual Youth’s Day in Cameroon, held on 11th February 2017, the youth participated in several diverse activities. The theme for this year’s celebration was “Youth and challenges of building an exemplary, indivisible, strong and emerging nation”. As practitioners and advocates of general sustainable development and of agriculture YPARD-Cameroon could not go without wanting to impart good knowledge to... Continue reading

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  • Cameroon
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  765 Hits
765 Hits

#YPARD10Years Celebration at the Town of Friendship

It was a brand new saturday morning with a conducive atmosphere, pleasing environment and a perfect view to the sea. Our mindsets were ready to kick-off the day and it was amazing to observe all participants attending the second day of the RESCAR-AOC International workshop. The workshop was axed on the notions of climate change and agripreneurship to promote Rural Advisory Services... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  0 Hits
0 Hits

ALLONS SEULEMENT (Let’s Just Go) : Destination GCARD3

Seems like in south Africa, the one and only rainbow nation in Africa, hosting events has turned to be a routine for this great intra-cultural diversified country. We heard about the Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture (GFIA Africa)[1] hosted in Dec 2015 and shall here about the SA Agri Summit in Sept 2016[2] . But now and in the hearts... Continue reading

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  • Cameroon
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  610 Hits
610 Hits