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How youth can engage in agribusiness post COVID-19

The Young Professionals for Agricultural development (YPARD), over the last couple of years, has offered young people with interest in agriculture, agribusiness, and players within the long diverse value chain a platform to interact, rub minds, share knowledge, expand their businesses, and generally innovate. The rate of agricultural development in Nigeria is still relatively slow; practice being mostly subsistence and smallholdings.... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1114 Hits
1114 Hits

Scaling-up small agri-food production system for zero hunger

The United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by all (UN) member states in 2015 provides a generally agreed game plan to achieve sustainable peace and prosperity for people and the planet. The SDGs has similarity with the recently phased out Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) having its first goal to “eradicating extreme hunger and poverty”. The SDGs equally adopted the... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  914 Hits
914 Hits

YPARD launched in North-West Nigeria

Awareness about agriculture is steadily gaining momentum among young people in Africa- particularly in Nigeria. Concrete efforts are being made by governments and the private sector including, NGOs and civil societies, on possible ways to engage and make youth the main drivers of agricultural transformation in Africa. Participation of youth in agribusiness along the agricultural value chain has been identified as... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  918 Hits
918 Hits