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My mentoring journey continues

“No man is capable of self-improvement if he sees no other model but himself” – Conrado I. Generoso. Until some months ago, I had always been content with the outcome of my efforts not because I had a heart of content. It was because I always looked within and had no standard to measure the outcome of my efforts. There was... Continue reading

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  • Ghana
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  856 Hits
856 Hits

The start of my mentorship journey

On February 2017, forty seven African youth attended the MasterCard Foundation’s Young Africa Works Summit (YAW2017) in Kigali, Rwanda. Fourteen of those youth delegates were selected to receive 12 months of mentoring from senior delegates attending the Summit. Over the last three months, these youth mentees have started forming relationships with their mentors who will support and challenge them during this year to... Continue reading

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  • Ghana
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  817 Hits
817 Hits