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Farewell to the Goofy Bug Guy

Hectic yet reflective! The pilot GFAR-YPARD Young Agripreneur Project is coming to an end and in these posts, the six young agri-preneurs are pondering on their professional and personal journeys over the past twelve months. In April 2016, they all gathered in Johannesburg, where they thrilled the audiences at GCARD3 with their enthusiasm, drive and energy in describing their YAP projects. Now they are... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1661 Hits
1661 Hits

The Light at the End of the Tunnel (FINALLY)

Josine Macaspac was one of the six finalists of the GFAR and YPARD’s Youth Argripreneur Project, who returned to her home in the Philippines to start building the Mechanical Post-Harvest Pest Removal System (MPReS): a manually-operated, mechanical device that can be used by farmers to easily and effectively remove post-harvest and storage pests in stored rice, corn and other grains. As one of the... Continue reading

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  • Philippines
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  978 Hits
978 Hits

On Finding Knowledge in the Most Unexpected Places

In April, the six finalists in GFAR and YPARD’s Youth Agripreneur Project headed back to their homes in the four corners of the world after an intense week of orientation and skills building at the GCARD3 Global Event, to embark on their personal adventures–and tackle their particular challenges–in agricultural entrepreneurship. Over the last three months, Jax, Anil, Nikki, Lillian, Jony, and Kellyann have taken what they learned... Continue reading

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  • Philippines
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  943 Hits
943 Hits