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Young Professionals across Nigeria gather to launch the CORY Workshop

The Creating Opportunities for Rural Youth (CORY) workshop was held in Nigeria at Songhai Farms, Rivers State from 14th to 15th July, 2014. It was a 2 day workshop aimed at informing participants of the overview of CORY project and opportunities available for rural youths 15-35 years in Farm and Non-farm enterprises in the next 3 years (2014 – 2017), understanding... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  1166 Hits
1166 Hits

Social media reporters needed for the YADI workshop

  Between 28-30 May 2014, the IITA Youth Agripreneur (IYA) and the Young Professional in Agricultural Development (YPARD) Nigeria will celebrate the Youth in Agribusiness Development Initiative (YADI) Workshop. In order to engage on-site participants, reach out to a wider audience remotely and promote the YADI Project Conceptualization Workshop, both organizations are putting together a Remote Social Reporting Team. This volunteer... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  912 Hits
912 Hits

When food storage can become food security

An FAO report in (2004), estimates that a third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted across the global food system. There is an urgent need to efficiently store and preserve food, if we are to achieve food security in the continent. The traditional storage techniques and preservation methods used by African farmers are small-scale, with a capacity of up... Continue reading
  1483 Hits
1483 Hits

Who will take the place of the aging African farmer?

There are more young people in the African population than ever before. In fact, approximately 70 percent of the over 1 Billion people living in Africa are under the age of 30! What’s more, fewer and fewer young people are attracted to agriculture, or see it as a viable future for themselves. Emmanuel Ngenge Ngeh, Cameroonian founder of the Young Farmers... Continue reading
  974 Hits
974 Hits

My International Youth Conference on Agriculture and Entrepreneurship experiences!

It was my first time out of Nigeria to join other youths across Africa in a very important topic: Agriculture and entrepreneurship! It was the iHAV Foundation conference held on the 24th – 27th July, 2013 at Africana Guest House Accra, Ghana involving youths between the ages of 18 – 28 years coming together to listen to and interact on ways... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  746 Hits
746 Hits

Encouraging Youth’s involvement in Agriculture and Agribusiness

According to the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics (NBS, 2013), the national unemployment rate is 23.9 percent with the youth accounting for more than 70 percent. Increased involvement of youth in agricultural activities will help reduce the problems of the ageing farm population and increasing youth unemployment. Nigeria’s government has attempted to stimulate youth’s interest in agricultural production and processing since the... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  771 Hits
771 Hits

Agri Business Management education, Key to Agricultural Development in Africa

The Association of African Business Schools (AABS) and Agri business Consortium (AAC) lunched the Agri Business Management Programme (AgMP) at the Lagos Business School (LBS), in Lagos-Nigeria on Tuesday, 7th May, 2013. Various stake holders were present: Policy makers, Agri-business men/women, NGOs and Youths. I also was present as one of the participants representing YPARD, the Young Professionals’ Platform for Agricultural... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  837 Hits
837 Hits

Young Farmers needed in our Time!

A few decades ago, whether because of the dominance of large-scale enterprises or general apathy, a startling trend became to develop: young people never wanted to farm. Only a few percent of Nigeria's farmers are between the ages of 25 and 35; meanwhile, farmers over the age of 65 make up over 70 percent of the farmingpopulation. The mean age of... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  802 Hits
802 Hits

Food security for a mega population...and the Youth - Feedback from the Youth policy dialogue series, Nigeria

Just few days after been nominated as the Local Representative for Young Professionals’ Platform for Agricultural Research for Development (YPARD) in Lagos, Nigeria. I was privileged to attend the Youth and Policy Dialogue Series on: Food Security for a Mega Population organized by HEDA resources, Lagos - Nigeria on 5th March, 2013. It was a very wonderful occasion involving individuals, farmers,... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  992 Hits
992 Hits