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Seizing Agro-commodities competitiveness through Local Auction Markets

What are Agribusiness Auction Markets? Auction market is a place where buyers and sellers enter competitive bids and offers respectively at the same time. Meanwhile, the agribusiness auction market matches bids and offers of respective customers and farmers who deal deal with agro-commodities. The agro-products are such as: cucumber, soybean, rice, chili, garlic, pepper, cattles, vegetable and essential oil, etc. According... Continue reading

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  • Indonesia
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  989 Hits
989 Hits

Green Festival 2014: A catalyst for promoting Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the most indispensable sectors cultivating life forms for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinals and other products. Besides sustaining and enhancing human life, As we know, agriculture is interrelated with forestry, fishery, climate change, amongst others.  What is the Green Festival IPB 2014? At Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) in Indonesia, the 2014 BEM KM IPB (Students’ Executive Boards) together... Continue reading

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  • Indonesia
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  755 Hits
755 Hits