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Passing on to a new YPARD leadership and management

After a year as the YPARD Steering Committee (SC)’s chairperson, I am now stepping down with an incredible team taking over! I am proud of what we have accomplished over the past year and the foundations it creates for the new leadership and management to thrive! Meet the new SC Chairperson Sebastian Pedraza and two additional members in the SC team:... Continue reading

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  • Czech Republic
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  2026 Hits
2026 Hits

YPARD: renewed Steering Committee dynamics for deeper international community engagement

It’s been nearly 6 months since I was elected as the YPARD Chairperson. In line with my commitment to ensuring that YPARD remains and evolves as a space for collective action and accountability, my  Steering Committee (SC)’s colleagues and I are keen to share our key passed milestones and steps to come. Reviving the YPARD SC momentum A key objective we... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1230 Hits
1230 Hits

YPARD: a youth movement experience for sustainable food systems?

How do you differentiate a movement from a community? How are

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  • France
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1962 Hits
1962 Hits

To an unsung disruptive leader

As YPARD’s Director, Courtney Paisley bids farewell to the young agriculturists’ network, former Communications, and Knowledge Manager, Marina Cherbonnier reflects on Courtney’s game-changing impact as a disruptive leader, towards truly sustainable development. Ironically, we don’t make enough justice to empowering leaders. This is because enabling leaders are precisely those who genuinely know that for a community to take full ownership, their... Continue reading

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  • France
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1104 Hits
1104 Hits

YPARD Team’s Online Hangout series: more interaction for more capacity

Have you ever thought of the wealth of knowledge that exists in the structure or organization you work with? At YPARD, we genuinely know that our community has a massive number of significant skills and experiences to share. Thus, in 2016, we designed a series of online hangouts for our country representatives all around the world to interact better among themselves... Continue reading
  1258 Hits
1258 Hits

New faces for YPARD Global Communications

By Marina Cherbonnier, YPARD communications and knowledge manager At YPARD, we believe in structures than renew themselves and evolve. And indeed, as the new year starts, 2017 marks changes in the YPARD Global communications team as I will be leaving. Emmie Kio Wachira is taking up the YPARD Communications management while Stacy Hammond is becoming the youth-leader communications officer. As the current... Continue reading
  1053 Hits
1053 Hits

Four young professionals; one passion: agriculture

They travelled from different parts of the world to come tell their story at the International Fund For Agricultural Development (IFAD)’s headquarter. Josine, Alpha, Nawsheen and Rahul, are four passionate young agriculturists. Yet, their projects are completely different from each other. Meet these role models through a snapshot of their inspiring AgTalks: The bug guy Josine, is a YAPper : a... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1222 Hits
1222 Hits

Interconnection: a youth response to rural-urban and international migration

The youth in landscapes initiative organized its fourth annual program at the 2016 Global Landscapes Forum (November 16th), held in Marrakesh, Morocco, at the sideline of the COP22. The youth program’s specific objectives this year were to support a multidisciplinary and geographically diverse youth presence at the 2016 GLF, including a strong Northern Africa and Middle-East contribution. We particularly increased recognition... Continue reading

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  • Morocco
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  960 Hits
960 Hits

Young agriculturalists propose their agenda for healthy diets

Eight universities from Brazil, Ghana, Morocco, Thailand, Norway, USA, Italy and Belgium took part in the Student Interactive Session during the International Symposium on Sustainable Food Systems for Healthy Diets and Improved Nutrition. This was held at the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)’s Headquarters, in November 2016. The students expressed their concern with the current food systems, particularly impacted by... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  939 Hits
939 Hits

Young Farmers step up!

As you prepare for the future, it is only natural to engage the new generation. That's the World Farmers’ Organization 's belief. This international organization of farmers for farmers is defining its Strategic Framework 2018-2028 and walking the talk in involving young farmers into giving directions to draw the way forward. Not only does WFO put its members center and forefront as the driver... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  1018 Hits
1018 Hits

Mediterranean Youth aims at fighting marginalization with agriculture

We hadn’t left the Milan Congress 2015 when the YPARD’s Mediterranean team - a group of 25 agriculturists from the South and the North Mediterranean- got together and said: “This was a very rich experience of South-North Mediterranean dialogues for rural development upon which we can reflect, and the discussions and outcomes really highlighted the key role of young people as... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  759 Hits
759 Hits

Enough of: youth – this is what we want from you

In the past few years, YPARD has worked on a series of activities to better prepare young people for the job market. A 2011 research study examined the skills needed by today’s youth in agriculture and a career fair examined youth’s “employability” at Tropentag in Prague in 2014. Partnerships with university consortia like GCHERA, RUFORUM and Agrinatura, also invited young professionals... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  766 Hits
766 Hits

The Road to 2030, with the youth in agriculture

The theme of the 2016 International Youth Day , 12th of  August, is “The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production”. Through this theme, the United Nations recognize “the leading role of young people in ensuring poverty eradication and achieving sustainable development through sustainable consumption and production”. They use as objective and framework the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  976 Hits
976 Hits

The tree metaphor: announcing YPARD’s Country Pages!

Imagine YPARD: a network of young professionals in agriculture as a tree. The more you strengthen its branches, the more leaves and buds will pop-up and grow. As a result: fruits. The roots up to the branches are YPARD Country chapters; they are supporting a growing community of members: a pool of young people with different cultural backgrounds, aspirations and livelihoods.... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  924 Hits
924 Hits

The Best of YPARD's 10 year anniversary! (part 1)

As YPARD - the international network of young professionals for agricultural development - hits 10 years of achievements in 2016, YPARD members (commonly called “YPARDians”) have been celebrating their community through a series of YPARD online and onsite events, all over the world. More than ever, YPARD reaffirms itself as a network and “a family” of young people dedicated to take... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1073 Hits
1073 Hits

Webinar Alert! Is a picture worth a thousand words?

"What's easier than uploading a picture online", you say? And indeed, we *all* think we rock at it...but let's be honest: we don't...Do you have an eye for quality pictures? Do you know how to resize them without distorting them? Do you know that there are a number of rules and rights around pictures that you should not deny...  Join the... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  834 Hits
834 Hits

Calling for interns in “Web4Knowledge”

The Young Professionals for Agricultural Development’s network (YPARD) is looking for three – 3 - interns – an English speaker, a Francophone and a Spanish speaker - to join the YPARD’s Global Communications team and expand its information services and communications.  WANTED! Do you have a background in agricultural related fields, natural resource management, ICT4D or similar fields?Are you passionate about and... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  992 Hits
992 Hits

A network that grows proves the need for its existence

2016’s 10year celebrations of the young professionals for agricultural development’s network (YPARD) are generating a series of festivities online and on the ground, all around the world and throughout the year. The third Global Conference for Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD3) offered the floor for the YPARD’s global face-to-face anniversary. A hundred of people – young and senior – from every... Continue reading

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  • South Africa
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  889 Hits
889 Hits

Empowering Youth in Agriculture: 10 years in review

In order to celebrate the young professionals for agricultural development (YPARD)’s 10 years of key milestones, we have prepared an infographic and a video that will lead you through YPARD’s progress in enhancing youth participation in the sector. Find out the development of YPARD since its beginnings. It includes the building of YPARD Structure on national, regional and global level, with... Continue reading
  750 Hits
750 Hits

Mainstreaming youth at the GCARD3 Global Event

The GCARD3 Global event is pioneering a stronger involvement of the youth in global agricultural discussions by giving them leading roles in the core conference. Young people will be able to bring youth perspectives to the forefront as plenary speakers, catalysts, and as GCARD partner on behalf of YPARD: young professionals for agricultural development. Meet them: Youth at the Partner Assembly Seven YPARD... Continue reading

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  • South Africa
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  710 Hits
710 Hits