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Announcing 14 GCARD3 Youth delegates

Within two weeks, 96 young professionals from every region of the world applied to be part of the GCARD3 Global event’s youth delegation. The team will be given the mission to be the voice of the youth: to be part of the discussions online and onsite, to solicit their peers to contribute with their own input, and to particularly express those youth... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  974 Hits
974 Hits

Halfway on the GCARD3 Youth journey

In one month, the GCARD3 Global event will be kicking off. GCARD3 is not a mere event, it is a process. While the preparation of the global event involves shaping up the program and the delegations, the communications coverage, logistics and tutti quanti, collective agricultural development directions are already discussed throughout national and regional consultations, ahead of the global event. At... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  702 Hits
702 Hits

Celebrating YPARD10years with cakes, ambassador videos and YPARD country activities

In 2016, YPARD celebrates its 10th anniversary. Early January, we sent a call to YPARD members to join #YPARD10Years Celebrations. We invited them to bake a cake, shoot a 1 minute testimonial video about YPARD or to create their own activities - throughtout the year. Meet our first #YPARD10Years Ambassadors Three very active YPARD members kicked off the #YPARD10years Testimonial Videos... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  639 Hits
639 Hits

Young Innovators tell about their experience with the youth-in-landscapes

Three months ago, 50 “landscapes” youth innovators were embarking in a life-changing adventure with the “youth-in-landscapes” initiative. Back to their “normal life”, they took the time to reflect on their experience: how it impacted them and what their vision is, to carry on being active leaders of change for sustainable development. They shared their thoughts through inspiring testimonials. What clearly comes out of their... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  910 Hits
910 Hits

Suffering in agriculture

My grand parents still living in a rural area called Zaouit Sidi Hamza, this one of many marginalized areas in the regions of Midelt city, which is located in the center south of Morocco,every year I used to visit them and I touch their suffering in their livelihood. All the people especially the youth there complain about the indifference that they... Continue reading

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  • Morocco
  705 Hits
705 Hits

FAO gives Students the floor to bring Youth Perspectives to Policy makers on Agri-Biotechnology

On the occasion of the international symposium: The Role of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition, a special interactive youth session was co-organized by Office of Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC) of FAO and YPARD : the “Young Professionals for Agricultural Development” network. Seven universities from around the world grasped the chance to follow and contribute the symposium... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  781 Hits
781 Hits

From Zoology to Agriculture

With a BSc in zoology, one will wonder how I found my self in agriculture. Upon my graduation, all I thought of was conserving endangered species around the world. Today, my passion for agriculture has grown so much that all I think about is how to make small holder farmer’s lives better. With no academic background in agriculture, all I had... Continue reading

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  • Cameroon
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  798 Hits
798 Hits

Celebrate your community online – YPARD’s 10 years

Mariola (Spain), Vincent (Uganda) and Simon (the UK) have already started the #YPARD10years festivities - join them! YPARD turned 10 this year. May you have joined YPARD a long time ago, just recently or not yet, YPARD is YOUR international community of young professionals for agricultural development, and its supporters. You are at the centre of its “raison d’être” and the... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  1099 Hits
1099 Hits

10 years of YPARD! What have we learned and where are we going?

In 2016 YPARD is celebrating ten years since its official launch at the GFAR Triennial meeting in New Delhi, November 2006.  It was born from the challenges facing young professionals in agricultural development and the need for a support structure. This year is the occasion to celebrate YPARD’s 10 year achievements and reaffirm our focus on supporting youth in today’s fast-paced,... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  0 Hits
0 Hits

A central stage for the youth, for World Food Security

Youth had an unprecedented central stage at the 42nd Committee on World Food Security. For the first time talent development and the role of youth in food security was explored in the Committee for Food Security (CFS). YPARD played a strong role in framing two side events that brought strong youth innovators to the sessions and encouraged member states to give more... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  986 Hits
986 Hits

Opportunity: 5 YPARD members to attend GFAR’s social media training for GCARD3!

Long gone are the days where social media was considered merely as "just fun for the kids". Social media is now an essential part of communications. It is now central to expand outreach and stimulate dialogues and collective actions among professionals in agricultural development. Still, the diversity of tools and the intrinsic of how to use them effectively are overwhelming. Sharpen... Continue reading
  720 Hits
720 Hits

Youth and the future of forests they want

Youth’s engagement was vibrant both physically and online during this year's World Forestry Congress. As young people, we wanted to generate strong youth’s discussions, content and outcome statements; we had paved the way for that by proposing 15 youth cross-cutting aspects to think about throughout the World Forestry Congress. Read: mainstreaming Youth for sustainable forest and people’s futures: 15 youth cross-cutting... Continue reading

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  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  849 Hits
849 Hits

The Role of Young professionals in Shaping Agricultural Education

How can we shape education so that it matches young people’s needs if we don’t involve them in curricula development discussions? This has been an overly repeated question in conferences but with no concrete answer to it. But The Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for Agricultural and Life Sciences, fondly referred to as GCHERA is on a mission to change... Continue reading

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  • Promote agriculture among young people
  645 Hits
645 Hits

Mainstreaming Youth for sustainable forest and people’s futures: 15 youth cross-cutting focuses at the World Forestry Congress

“Young People are being heard, but what do they have to say?” While youth’s participation and involvement is significantly increasing at global development conferences, one would argue that youths’ messages still often need to be strengthened. Young people may sometimes struggle stepping back and expressing what their specific burdening issues and aspirations are. We want to change that for young people at... Continue reading

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  • South Africa
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  992 Hits
992 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Web4Knowledge intern: Elcah Barasa

YPARD is delighted to welcome Elcah Barasa on board, as remote Web4Knowledge intern. Elcah Barasa is a young woman from Kenya. She is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy at the Technical University of Kenya and a Diploma in French at Alliance Francaise in Nairobi. Elcah has great interests in ICT for Development issues, rural development and... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  820 Hits
820 Hits

An avenue for the new generation to take up agricultural development

To ensure healthier livelihoods worldwide – and in the long term -, the young generation needs to fully get their hands and minds into agricultural development now. Being connected through a global collective platform, through which they can realise their full potential and contribute proactively to innovative agricultural development is crucial to boost the active role of young people in agriculture.... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate
  784 Hits
784 Hits

Welcoming YPARD Youth-leader communications champion, Emmie Kio

YPARD is delighted to welcome Emmie Kio as a remote Youth-leader communications champion, to support YPARD Global Coordination Unit’s communications activities. Emmie Kio is an International development practitioner specializing in Agricultural Development, Communications and Social Media. As a seasoned agricultural writer, Emmie helps communicate on Agricultural activities in Kenya and beyond – especially on those activities that are sustainable from an Economic, Environmental... Continue reading
  839 Hits
839 Hits

World Forestry Congress' Youth Program - Get involved!

The presence and involvement of the global youth community has been prioritized at the XIV World Forestry Congress. It offers to the youth a great opportunity to engage in scientific and policy deliberations on forestry issues like never before! Young people will be engaged throughout the Congress process. It will enable vital youth contributions that stem from debates among peers as... Continue reading

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  • South Africa
  • Sharing Information and connecting people
  767 Hits
767 Hits

Are you a social media lover? Join YPARD SMT!

Communications - social media particularly – are crucial towards building a sustainable future. If you doubt it, try us and join the YPARD Social media Team! What is the YPARD Social Media Team (SMT)? YPARD SMT is an online group of more than 200 people: individuals or representatives of their organizations. The purpose of the group is to use social media... Continue reading
  904 Hits
904 Hits

Tired of forgetting your password? Use Social Media Login on!

Belonging to a community is great; we all love social movements, especially online networks and connecting with peers all around the world! The pain is – yes, there is one - to remember all your passwords! There are two possible scenarios: You are still to join YPARD as a new user? Then, register by using the social media icon, on the top... Continue reading
  705 Hits
705 Hits