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YPARD gets involved in the discussion on 'Engaging youth in agriculture'

The session on 'engaging young people' brought out different people to share their experiences on how they engage young people in the agrifood sector in Africa. These are some of the ideas that came out of this session (to which YPARD also shared their experiences) during the Future Agricultures conference on youth, farming and the agrifood sector in Africa. When we... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

YPARD presentation at the GCHERA

The Global Consortium for Higher Education and Research for Agriculture (GCHERA) 2011 During this conference, several trends emerged.  There is a general consensus is that agricultural curriculum is outdated and is lacking in innovation, that partnerships with potential employers is not as strong as it should be, that soft skills are lacking and that a more inter-disciplinary approach is needed. A... Continue reading

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  • France
  • Promote agriculture among young people

YPARD at The World Food Prize – focusing on “the Next Generation”!

YPARD will be attending The World Food Prize in conjunction with the “Borlaug Dialogue international symposium on “The Next Generation” and the World Food Prize Global Youth Institute, from October 12 to 15, 2011, Des Moines, Iowa.   The World Food Prize is an international award given to those whose work has significantly improved food quality, quantity or availability. The World... Continue reading

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  • United States of America
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Buenas noticias, formalmente ya somos parte del Comité de FORAGRO

Con estas palabras resumió el investigador peruano Luis Suárez, el positivo balance de su participación, en nombre de YPARD-LAC, en la décima reunión de Consejo Ejecutivo de FORAGRO realizado los días 21 y 22 de septiembre en Lima, Perú. Esta reunión tuvo como doble objetivo principal tanto prepararse para participar en la reunión del GCARD que tendrá lugar en Montevideo, Uruguay... Continue reading

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  • Peru
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Building up the Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) Region

The YPARD Coordinator travelled to meet with the YPARD LAC coordinator at CIAT in Cali, Colombia.  The pair discussed strategies to build up the region, get more young people interested and activities that could propel the region ahead in 2012. Plans for the region include increased awareness, displaying the testimonials of young people in the LAC region active in ARD, linking... Continue reading

The Mapping Training for Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs takes place in Kenya

Having been involved in more than one mapping project involving youth, I have always felt a missing component, that of helping youth use the skills they acquire to make a living. I always felt that empowering youth to get out and source for themselves is key. Being the representative of YPARD in Kenya, this was an opportunity for me to assist... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Access to resources and capacity building

The Mapping Training for Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs takes place in Kenya

Having been involved in more than one mapping project involving youth, I have always felt a missing component, that of helping youth use the skills they acquire to make a living. I always felt that empowering youth to get out and source for themselves is key. Being the representative of YPARD in Kenya, this was an opportunity for me to assist... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Access to resources and capacity building

Youth in Extension: Are we making the most of our young assets?

At the International conference for innovations in extension and rural advisory services 2011, Nairobi, YPARD engaged interested participants on a discussion entitled: ‘youth in extension: are we making the most of our young assets’?  The aim of this discussion was to share the outcomes from the YPARD e-discussion on young professionals in extension, hear the experiences of YPARD members active in... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Greetings from China

Hi, everyone. Glad to join the party! It will be a wonderful and excellent place to share and communicate with fellow professionals, let's involve more of us! I come from Beijing, China. Now a research assistant in Chinese Acedemy of Agricultural Sciencs. Mainly on food security and poverty reduction. I'll start with China, try to let more and more young researchers... Continue reading

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  • China

extension conference 2011: my experiences

  Dear platform citizens, this article summarily captures my experiences as a YPARD delegate to the International Conference on Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services that took place  Hilton Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya from 15-19 November, 2011.   WHY TURNING IN THE STORY LATE? This is one of the lessons learned from the conference; “Never wait till you get home before you... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

extension conference 2011: my experiences

  Dear platform citizens, this article summarily captures my experiences as a YPARD delegate to the International Conference on Innovations in Extension and Advisory Services that took place  Hilton Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya from 15-19 November, 2011.   WHY TURNING IN THE STORY LATE? This is one of the lessons learned from the conference; “Never wait till you get home before you... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

YPARD Thank you to its founding members

  Official Launch of YPARD, in 2006, in New Delhi As we start 2012, YPARD will say thank you and goodbye to the last of the founding YPARD members who comes to the end of her term as YPARD steering committee member in January 2012.  YPARD began with a small, committed group of individuals who fought very hard to bring youth... Continue reading

Academic and strategic retreats : willful isolation for better knowledge sharing

This past summer, the YPARD community has been discussing the potential of information and communication technologies to promote the place of youth in agricultural research for development. Yet, one shouldn't underestimate the importance of face-to-face meetings that encourage an exchange of viewpoints. This type of exchange is all the more facilitated when an event has been set up specifically to promote... Continue reading

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  • France

YPARD is building the YPARD Europe platform, join the initiative!

CBO13113[RF] (c) YPARD is building the YPARD Europe platform. The YPARD European platform is part of the YPARD Global platform, following the same vision and mission: to work for a sustainably improved livelihood, worldwide, through dynamic Agricultural Research for Development, by serving as a platform through which young professionals can express their ideas and realise their full potential toward a dynamic... Continue reading

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  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

World Food Prize; What next?...

When wearing my YPARD web and communications’ officer cap, I try to rather be a neutral moderator who, instead of saying her views, solicits other’s opinion with rather objective questions. I remove my cap for this following post and make it a bit more personal. Thoughts are my own. The World Food Prize 2011 is over... Former President Lula da Silva... Continue reading

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  • United States of America

YPARD at the UNESCO Youth Forum

Student engagement, social innovation, fostering democracy, youth employment, conflict and sustainable development are among the issues that have been discussed on the floor of the 7th UNESCO Youth Forum, 17 to 20 October 2011 in UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The Forum brought together youth delegates, civil society participants, UN entities, intergovernmental organizations, academics and the private sector. Participants discussed, debated, and... Continue reading

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  • France
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Youth contribution to the feed the future initiative

The YPARD coordinator took part in the online discussion to gather information from stakeholders on various issues related to the United States’ new global hunger and food security initiative, Feed the Future.  Researchers and other stakeholders were given the chance to consider and provide input to the US government on FTF’s research priorities, and to discuss how best to support and... Continue reading

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  • United States of America
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Mapping training for young agricultural graduates, 29th August- 2nd September 2011, now underway in Kenya

The Kenya mapping workshop is underway, with 30 young professionals excitedly learning GIS skills to become more competitive in the field of ARD.  Attendees come from many different parts of Kenya, from the capital Nairobi, to the Western region in the town of Eldoret to the northern region, in Mandera.  Several expectations from the training were expressed at the beginning, ranging... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Access to resources and capacity building

Opening ceremony of YPARD Vietnam and Workshop on “Young scientists for Agricultural Development in Vietnam”

Dr. Ramasubbu Seenivasan from VIT University, India, Coordinator of YPARD Asia attended the opening ceremony of YPARD Vietnam office placed at Nong Lam University, on the 16 September 2011. He introduced YPARD activities to young scientists in Vietnam and asserted the willingness of YPARD Vietnam to implement intensive activities to support to young professionals as well as farmers in promotion of... Continue reading

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  • Vietnam
  • Access to resources and capacity building

Brief - YPARD awareness campaign- University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka-09.11.2011

YPARD awareness campaign was organized at the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka on the sidelines of International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment on 09.10.2011 on behalf of YPARD Asia office. The purpose of this campaign was to offer University students and faculty to get the opportunity to engage in YPARD related activities in Sri Lanka and South Asia, which facilitate the... Continue reading

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  • Sri lanka
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate