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YPARD at Tropentag 2018 - Sharing information and connecting early career scientist

On Sunday, September 16th, 2018, YPARD implemented its interactive workshop at the Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Research in Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, Natural Resource Management and Rural Development - TROPENTAG. This years workshop was organized at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Campus Coupure in the University of Ghent, Belgium and was held as a part of the pre-conference activities. The objective... Continue reading

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  • Belgium

Youth for youth with IAAS Novi Sad and YPARD Serbia

YPARD Serbia has opened one more chapter! This time we made a partnership with IAAS Serbia (section in Novi Sad, north Serbia). This old but at the same time young organization exists in Serbia over many years and it deals with creating familiarity between students agricultural and similar sciences from all around the world, increasing the level of understanding between them,... Continue reading

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  • Serbia
  • Access to resources and capacity building

International Forum on Food and Nutrition (9th edition)

On November 27th and 28th 2018, the International Forum on Food and Nutrition (9th edition) organized by Barilla Center for Food and Nutrition (BCFN) was once again back in Milan, Italy! This important event brings sustainability expert speakers from all over the world, providing also a stage for the young, media and the good practices to generate the real change required for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals set... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Employability and keeping young scientist in science

"Young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered, they can be key agents for development and peace. If, however, they are left on society's margins, all of us will be impoverished. Let us ensure that all young people have every opportunity to participate fully in the lives of their societies." -- Kofi Annan – Supporting youth... Continue reading

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  • Albania

Precision farming: attitude is the main point!

Inspired by the rapid development of affordable ICT tools, precision agriculture and precision technologies are gaining more and more space in agriculture, worldwide. In the following blog, a young Hungarian farmer, who is a practitioner and an expert on this topic, shares his journey with us on how he became a consultant on precision farming. “During my studies on agricultural engineering, I... Continue reading

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  • Hungary

Call for applicants - YPARD Germany country representative

YPARD Germany is seeking for a young, innovative and fresh spirited professional to take on the role of a Country Representative (CR) and continue its work on youth in agriculture! Being a CR is a unique opportunity for you to be more active with fellow young professionals in agricultural and related fields in Germany as well as with the global YPARD... Continue reading

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  • Germany

Call for applicants - YPARD Belgium country representative

YPARD Belgium is seeking for a young, innovative and fresh spirited professional to take on the role of a Country Representative (CR) and continue its work on youth in agriculture! Being a CR is a unique opportunity for you to be more active with fellow young professionals in agricultural and related fields in Belgium as well as with the global YPARD... Continue reading

YPARD an avant-garde platform supporting young professionals

The Young Professionals for Agricultural Development network “YPARD” has for several years started its work in support of young professionals in the field of agriculture, supporting them to have a stronger voice this way. YPARD has done this through various mechanisms such as: organizing various workshops, providing different information for professional youth in the field of employment, various scholarships, information to... Continue reading

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  • Belgium
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

When I grow up I want to be a scientist

If you are someone coming from a developing country, it is highly possible that as a child you never said or heard a kid saying ‘when I grow up I want to be a scientist’. It does not matter how much of a big imagination the kids have, they will not want to be a scientist. When asked “what do you... Continue reading

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  • Republic of Kosovo
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

13th Asian Maize Conference: Surmounting future challenges

The human population in the world by 2050 is predicted to be more than 9 billion leading to a high demand for food arable land (soil) and subsequent decrease in water resources.  In the future, agriculture will face many challenges such as inefficient utilization of water and land resources, global climate change, lack of alternatives to the chemical use of pesticides... Continue reading

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  • Bangladesh
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

One Asian Youth Leadership Forum: A union of continents

More than three hundred representatives from fifty-four countries gathered in Beijing to attend the 3rd Asian-African Youth Festival 2018 held in Beijing, China from 12 to 16 September, 2018.  This year the host of this event were Central Committee of the Communist Youth League of China (CCYLC), All-China Youth Federation (ACYF), Asian Youth Council and the organizer was China Youth Center... Continue reading

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  • Bangladesh
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Save the date: Youth as drivers of innovation interactive event

On the occasion of the International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers: Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, an interactive session with youth will be organized by FAO in collaboration with Young Professionals for Agricultural Development (YPARD). It will allow youth to identify and convey key messages on the role of innovation in agriculture in shaping... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Rice on the rise: Promoting consumption of energy enriched rice products

Innovation is the best practice for development in the society.  When malnutrition is the country`s major issue then innovative food products might possibly be one of the alternative solutions to explore. Rice is the main staple food in Bangladesh. It is the major source of energy especially by supporting the carbohydrate and protein requirements for not only Bangladeshi people including many... Continue reading

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  • Bangladesh
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

A knowledge sharing workshop on climate change

Starting our journey from Lamjung Climate Convergence (LCC)  and Nepal Climate Convergence (NCC), the Youth Champions for Climate Change (YCCC), Institute of Forestry, Pokhara group have done various ground action campaigning like poster competition, Plantation and awareness program about climate change in different schools and children homes. Recently, we organized a 3-days long workshop on climate change on September 6 - 8... Continue reading

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  • Nepal
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Closing the Generation Gap, Investment and Youth

Youth are the future of food security. Yet around the world, few young people see a future for themselves in agriculture or rural areas. The average age of farmers is on the rise and there is little prospect for younger generations to replace ageing farmers, resulting in what is referred to as the "generation gap". Challenges are multidimensional and require interventions... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Shifting to commercial farming; the role of credit

Today commercial farming is gradually picking up in most developing countries. Unlike subsistence farming, the expectations to generate enough income and revenue from farm sales is high in commercial farming. However, this comes at the expense of high investments in the farming business. In farming as a business, there is need for capital: both starting and working capital. This is where... Continue reading

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  • Uganda
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

Youth farm boot camp for the vulnerable

Agriculture in Nigeria is the most important sector of the economy from the standpoint of rural employment, sufficiency in food and fibre, and export earning prior to the discovery of oil. he above assertion is based on the fact that as at independence in 1960, little was known of petroleum as a source of revenue for the Nigerian economy. There was... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Impact of value addition on African agriculture

The world is facing a lot of challenges with food security as a result of climate change, low farm productivity and the global growing population despite advancements in technology. In Africa, we have a serious challenge confronting us known as post-harvest losses which account for more 30 percent of foods wasted according to the food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2013 reports.... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Sharing Information and connecting people

"Making agriculture attractive for the African Youth" - An interview with the YPARD Director

e-Agriculture caught up with the new YPARD Director Mr. Yemi Adeyeye and interviewed him on a number of issues affecting the youth in agriculture and especially in Africa. e-Agriculture: Congratulations for the appointment to Director YPARD, could you briefly introduce yourself? Yemi:  First, many thanks for granting me this interview opportunity. My name is Yemi Adeyeye, a Nigerian national. My education... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Want to run a mentoring program? This toolkit will show you how

Four years ago, we coordinated our first mentoring program. We were working on the youth engagement component of the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) taking place in Lima, Peru, focused on building the skills and knowledge of the many students and young professionals who were there to engage in these high-level science-policy discussions. For many of these youth, the GLF was their... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Access to resources and capacity building