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Green Farm, Green Food

A vast number of food systems are included in a path from producing in farm to consumption in plate. In recent years, as a result of access to modern technologies, the food systems have been changed. 100 years ago, all of foods were organic and distributed in local markets, but nowadays most of them are grown in chemical ecosystems for sale... Continue reading

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  • Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Promote agriculture among young people

FAO gives Students the floor to bring Youth Perspectives to Policy makers on Agri-Biotechnology

On the occasion of the international symposium: The Role of Agricultural Biotechnologies in Sustainable Food Systems and Nutrition, a special interactive youth session was co-organized by Office of Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development (OPC) of FAO and YPARD : the “Young Professionals for Agricultural Development” network. Seven universities from around the world grasped the chance to follow and contribute the symposium... Continue reading

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  • Italy
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Bridging the gap; developing agriculture in Africa

How can production be effective without the appropriate technical know-how? How can I win the heart of my consumers with my products when I don’t understand what they really need? How can I continue production when I have not sold out what I have already produced? How can production be complete when the products have not reached the final consumers? These... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Aiding Rural Women to Stand Up for Gender Equality

Despite the many societal prejudices of our era, despite the usual stereotypes, women in reality are equally resilient, skilled and capable as men. The end of the male-biased era means more women succeeding in politics, agriculture, business, and even more successful female scientists, educators, and leaders. The success of women can be unquestionably ascribed to the environment where women’s rights are... Continue reading

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  • Republic of Kosovo
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Youth involvement at the GCARD3

Guess what?  Opportunities are present for the youth to be engaged in Agriculture! An event called Global Conference on Agricultural Research and Development (GCARD) will be taking place at Johannesburg, South Africa. It aims to greatly involve the youth to participate in the improvement of agriculture and innovation on food production systems to attain global food security; steps towards achieving Sustainable... Continue reading

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  • Philippines
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Global Event without Girl from Armenia?

Can you imagine a time when youth from rural areas will be able to solve agricultural problem with a mouse click. What if I said that every TV network, movie, blog, book, and other forms of social media use this same tactic? Better yet, what if I showed you how to leverage this tactic to attract more subscribers and earn more... Continue reading

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  • Armenia
  • Promote agriculture among young people

Valuing the smallholder farmer

Lazy, non-committal and irrational is how a smallholder farmer is defined by many. They always languish and commit themselves into poverty.  Anybody who grew up in the rural area this description is the most wild, obsolete and inaccurate accusation to a smallholder farmer. Smallholder farmers are passionate, energetic and hardworking in their farming activities. They spend most of their time and... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Food Fate

Have you ever think to stop eating? Do you believe there will always be food supply enough? We have to know on 2050 human population will increase up to 9 billion people. All of them need food for stay living. Whereas in fact, there are only 570 million farmers, only can produced 2 million ton of grains each year. So they... Continue reading

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  • Indonesia
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Empowering Youths for Agric-business

I am the Program Manager of Africa Farming Students’ Association where we motivate, educate and inspire enthusiastic students to pursue careers in agriculture and we provide them with about 90% hands-on learning experience. I am an active member of Young Professional for Agricultural Development (YPARD), All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) and Poultry Association of Nigeria (PAN). I believe in our youths... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Striving Youth

How has the internet affected you and your relationship with global agriculture? What has your generation done with the abundance of knowledge and resulting options it provides? Not as much as mine… as a 21 year old male living in the United States of America I’m a “millennial”. We are the largest, most diverse generation in the U.S, we value human... Continue reading

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  • United States of America
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Shaping the change agents for the future! Youth and sustainable agricultural development

  “Once in your life you need a doctor, a lawyer, a policemen and a preacher. But every day, three times a day, you need a farmer.”  ~ Brenda Schoepp Growing up, I remember my relatives and older folk asking me what I wanted to be when I became an adult. My career path aspirations used to vary every other day,... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Impact of youth in Agriculture

As a young expert for Agriculture I am very interesting to participate in this event, it will be for me also useful to meet there youth and experts from different countries and share knowledge about innovation and agriculture. In this event I would have chance to or to show my ideas about our projects or events as youth and as member... Continue reading

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  • Republic of Kosovo
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Pick me! Pick me!! Pick me!!!

Pick me… Pick me… Pick me… so says the oranges that makes the yummy, refreshing and enticing fruit juices we all love and savour for. But do we ever think about what makes the oranges to be? Am sure many would say, well…no. Then I frown and look back to that aged man or woman who tills day and night, always... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

GCARD3 and Beyond - Providing A Space for Youth

It is no secret that there is a problem in Agriculture, today; there is the case of the aging farmer and the lack of youth involvement in the sector. When this is married to the steadily increasing global population and need for increased food supply, one can understand why this is a problem.  For years on end we have conducted research,... Continue reading

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  • Guyana
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Ensuring better rural futures with the youth

“When did the future switch from being a promise to being a threat?” Chuck Palahniuk once wondered. For me, these sentiments come to mind when I look at GCARD3’s GCARD3 5 key themes and of interest being the third and fifth themes all of which seek to secure the future.  I believe it all started when the “youth in agriculture” started... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

NEXT IN LINE: The youth as the next key players in agriculture

The young takes the center stage. The spotlight is ours. The key players are us. This act is orchestrated by young and dynamic individuals with burning desire to learn, to innovate, and to inspire. This is our generation. And this is our quest for sustainable development in agriculture. The key players About 85% of the world’s youth come from developing countries.... Continue reading

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  • Philippines
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Where there is Youth there is a way: Empowering Youth for ensuring better rural future

I perceive participating in Global Conference on Agricultural Research for Development (GCARD3) in South Africa as a marvelous opportunity to augment my knowledge through the mutual sharing of skills and expertise among the scholars and bright mind scientist. I believe this conference as an adventure to synergize fruitful innovative ideas which will help to nurture the young professional and consequently bring... Continue reading

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  • Nepal
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Can Anything Good Come out of Agriculture?

I remember back then as a little boy in the village, going to the farm with my father after school was such a hectic task for me. My father was a cassava farmer; he also had a large cocoa plantation which he inherited from his father. I hated farming and everything that had to do with. But that was our only... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

Sustainable Development Goals and their link to Opportunities in Agriculture Value Chain: Shouldn’t Youth Explore?

“I’ll do anything to make money, as long as it does not get me into problems with the law.” A Kenyan youth, I’ll call him Paul, once told me. Paul and I met in late February 2016 at an Entrepreneurship Summit in Kenya organized by the Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA) in which more than 85% of attendees were Kenyan Youth.... Continue reading

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  • Kenya
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate

If the young don't farm, who will feed the world Tomorrow?

Generally, youths are described by their strength, the strength of anyone lies in their youth age. This is proven facts as youths are known for their freshness, vigor, spirit and appearance. The willingness of a young individual to engage in agribusiness has so much string to pull in terms of solving the same archaic existing agricultural issues. Many impediments in agriculture... Continue reading

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  • Nigeria
  • Creating opportunities for policy debate